Vanessa Fowler -Victim Impact Statement–sister of Allison

“I feel cheated that I never got to say goodbye, I have been robbed of a life together with my sister. We will never get to have that one last cup of coffee together … I miss her,” Ms Fowler said.

She said she had moved from the Gold Coast to Brisbane to help support her parents and help them look after her sister’s three daughters.

Ms Fowler said she was a supporter and carer to her three nieces.

“Allison inspired me to be a better person. A better mother. She loved life, loved her daughters and was loved by all,” she said.

She said her sister was strong, resilient, compassionate and fun.

Ms Fowler said her sister had four businesses on the go, three children and two mistresses to deal with: making her very strong.

“Allison never allowed depression to take over her life, she was never so debilitated she could not function,” she said.

She said Ms Baden-Clay was passionate about building resilience in young children through the Pathways program.

She still her death had left a dark void. “We remember her smile, her laughter, her friendship and her love for this is how she lived her life,” she said.

Ms Fowler said she felt great sadness for her sister’s daughters. “Despite the stresses in her life, Allison’s care of her children was her utmost priority … during this trial there has been an overemphasis and exaggeration of the negative aspects of her life …,” she said.

She said her sister had been ridiculed, degraded, belittled during the trial.

“This was inflicted on her in life and now in death,” she said.

She told Baden-Clay her sister had left her mark on him to make sure he paid for his “evil ways”.

‘It is because of you that numerous lies have been changed forever,” she said.

Ms Fowler said Baden-Clay had showed no remorse, carrying on like “business as usual” while his wife lay cold and wet under a bridge.

“For the first time since she married you, she has come out on top,” she said to the accused.

Ms Fowler said it had been proven her sister did not take her life or “go for a walk and die”.

“Only two people know the answer to those questions. One is dead at the hands of another,” she said of the truth lying.

She said her sister’s life was cut short because of greed and self-satisfaction.

She said her sister’s only crime was to be loved and love.

A victim impact statement from Ashley Dickie, Allison’ Baden-Clay’s younger brother, could not make the verdict, so it was read to the court by Vanessa Fowler.

She said: “I know you did it, you know you did it” and whatever time he spent in jail would not be enough.

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